We Are A Creative & GOD Fearing
Film / TV & Music Production Company
Apostolic Vision is all about a Last Day Vision which is the Vision that involves GODLY concerns for the earth, the people and what He created for His glory and His Kingdom.
Over 14 years ago The Real Will IAM (Creator) William A. Baker's intellectual property reached an amazing spiritual and economic level. The failing and satanic world became as hot as the hell that was created for them to spend eternity in. The principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places began to exercise beastly & satanic efforts (Making War) to stop and fight against William's last day anointed Kingdom work. They recognized that their evil plan had been under attack by a Heavenly Force through a young man whose ancestry is from The Tribe of Judah and the lineage of King David. Born in Washington, D.C. from the ghettos of the Nations Capital, GOD gave William a Vision which he shared with President Jimmy Carter that led his life into a United States Secret Service commitment. Presently with an arsenal of Powerful film, television and music projects that were created to destroy the unfruitful works of the devil, restore morals and ethics, make believers comfortable being entertained and educated with TRUTH!! William discarded fear and Mastered Spiritual Warfare.
Last Day Warfare, Present Day Morally Acceptable Entertainment
In the process of producing this TIMELY ENTERTAINMENT, the work which is GOD given and Inspired, yet not religious, is a Spiritual Kingdom Mystery Weapon in alignment with GOD's last day reconciling of the world unto himself through THE WORD!!! The plan became apparent to the satanic forces after William A Baker's $1M film "Exorcism" William's first film was produced. The film was intentionally poorly distributed, and deliberately left off of the 2004 Academy Awards Ballot. The film was however featured at the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France and the Mifed International Film and Multimedia Market in Milan, Italy. Although "Exorcism" was one of the first films that bodly proclaimed the Name of Jesus in Hollywood and around the World. Void of profanity and sex the film brought much persecution and criticism to the creator and filmmaker. THE WORK, NOR THE PLAN can be stopped because it's ANOINTED and it's a weapon of KINGDOM PURPOSE!!!
The timing for this work is and has been in the hands of the Great I AM/HEAVENLY FATHER from the foundation of the world!! (Acts 1:7) Through time many have gladly given their life for the KINGDOM and they will not be disappointed as the time is here for THE BODY OF CHRIST to engage in LAST DAY SPIRITUAL WARFARE. Yes we are here in the Time and Season which involves the RETURNING of THE KING OF KINGS, MANIFESTING OF THE SONS OF GOD & EMPOWERING THE BODY OF CHRIST to tread on serpents on scorpions and over all the power of the enemy.
There is no extreme GOD will not go to in order to save the righteous, punish the enemies of THE CROSS, HIS ANOINTED & HIS KINGDOM, while assuring HIS WORD does not come back to him void. The Earth is The LORD'S and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein. The time has come for the world to see the execution and manifestation of ALL POWER that JESUS received and proclaimed after HIS RESURRECTION.