The Passionate Work of GOD'S Anointed
GOD blessed Creator/Writer(WGA)/Director(DGA)/Producer William A. Baker with a valuable and powerful intellectual property arsenal consisting of over 80 film/television/music projects that are presently in development. After making his first film in 2003 "Exorcism", William's film was said to have been accidentally left off of the 2004 Academy Awards Ballot. After making a powerful Spiritual Warfare film, William was inspired to create more powerful Faith-Based and Family Friendly content. William is an anointed and creative genius, a Black Jew from the Tribe of Judah. William has stood strong, humbled himself under the mighty hand of GOD. William has also written and published several books on Amazon, one of which is Mastery of Spiritual Warfare, by Bishop William A. Baker, Sr. Through many years and still presently, many in the entertainment industry, America and around the World have died from suicide, drug overdoses, murder and mysterious unsolved attacks of people controlled by principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6), the invisible enemy. By way of Spiritual Warfare the process of judgment, the recovery of stolen property, the revival of souls and the restoration of morals and ethics continue to happen. America and it's Entertainment Industry is in the process of a much needed change by GOD. Some of the present projects in development for Creative Genius William A. Baker are listed on including 3 DAYS & 3 NIGHTS and MAFIA OF MAFIAS. MAFIA OF MAFIAS is a feature film and television series which realistically deals with Power vs ALL POWER in a past and present perspective, and on a physical and spiritual level.
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